The Colossus of Rhodes is one of the wonders of the ancient world. The giant statue of Helios, the Greek sun god was made to thank him for the victory achieved by Demetrius Poliocetes, the Macedonian military leader in 205 BC.
Unfortunately, the statue was destroyed by an earthquake that occurred around 226 BC. Its re-erection never took place. This has led to many doubts about where it actually stood or whether was it there at all.
But new evidence indicates that the Colossus of Rhodes was indeed built. However, its exact location is still a matter of debate. Let’s dive deep into this wonder of the ancient world.
What Was Colossus of Rhodes?
The Colossus of Rhodes was an enormous iron and bronze statue whose construction was completed around 280 BCE. The statue was 33 meters in length and celebrated the victory of Demetrius Poliorcetes’ year-long siege of the island.
The statue signified the resilience and strength of the Rhodes island. Colossus of Rhodes was constructed by Chares of Lyndus. The statue showcases a robust architectural framework, which is quite impressive for the time.
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The Story Behind Colossus of Rhodes

The story of this statue takes us back to 323 BC. After the death of Alexander the Great, the Hellenistic world became fragmented. Alexander’s successors declared control over different parts of the king’s empire.
At the end of the 4th century, Demetrius Poliorcetes, son of Antigonus 1 Monophthalmos laid siege to Rhodes. He wanted to break the powerful city and cause the people to sever their relationship with Ptolemy. However, the siege did not turn out to be what Demetrius thought. Rhodes was heavily fortified and strongly defended itself.
Demetrius suffered badly during his year-long siege. However, he presented it not as a failure but as a victory as he was able to make the Rhodians agree to remain neutral.
Demetrius and his army soon left Rhodes but left behind their siege machinery. Rhodians decided to make good use of it by selling it for handsome amount in return. The money made them richer and they decided to use it to pay homage to their patron deity, Helios. Soon, the skillful architect Chares was contacted and made to engage in the construction of the Rhodian’s victory monument.
How Was Colossus of Rhodes Constructed?

The Colossus of Rhodes took more than a decade to build. Its construction time can be estimated to have begun from c. 294 and ended at 284 BCE. The statue’s exterior portion was made out of bronze and the internal framework was built from iron. The framework was stabilized with large rock pieces. The base of the statue was made from white marble. The architects first constructed the ankle and feet. The statue was weighed with stones. It stood on a marble pedestal.
Chare’s main concerns while building the statue were the location, visibility, and the foundation. He did everything to create a solid foundation that would secure the statue firmly to the ground.
The generous size of the statue is well expressed in the words of Pliny the Elder, the Roman writer. He wrote, “Few men can clasp the thumb in their arm, and its fingers are larger than most statues.” The finished masterpiece evocatively expresses the strength and unity of the people of Rhodes.
What Did Colossus of Rhodes Stand?

Since the monument is destroyed, we have nothing by which we can confidently ascertain the location. For a long time, it was believed that the Colossus of Rhodes stood at the entrance of the Mandraki harbor. This was the primary harbour of Rhodes Town. The giant statue guarded the entrance.
However, the dimensions of the Colossus of Rhodes make this picture seem impossible. If it stood at Mandraki harbor, it would have blocked the entrance rather than guarding it. Newer evidence indicates that the real location of the statue must be on the eastern promontory of the Mandraki harbor. It could not have stood at the entrance.
Unfortunately, it’s highly unlikely that we will ever be able to find out the exact location of this monument. At most, we can only make guesses by reading what the Greek poets have inscribed at the base of the statue. Here’s what it says:
To you, Helios, yes to you the people of Dorian Rhodes raised this colossus high up to heaven, after they had calmed the bronze wave of war, and crowned their country with spoils won from the enemy. Not only over the sea but also on land they set up the bright light of unfettered freedom.
The Fall of Colossus of Rhodes Stand

The Colossus of Rhodes majestically stood for just 54 years. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 226 BCE and its remains adorned the ground at Rhodes for the succeeding eight centuries. The earthquake heavily impacted the knees of the statue, causing it to immediately fall to the ground.
After its destruction, there were talks of rebuilding it. Rhodians and their ally Ptolemy offered help for reconstruction. However, it was turned down by Oracke of Delphi.
Although the Colossus of Rhodes lay in ruins for many centuries, even that inspired many. It continued to excite many and was visited by people from far and wide. We can say that although it actually stood for a brief period, the statue enjoyed an enduring cultural legacy.
However, its final destruction happened in 654 AD. The Muslim caliph Muawiyah I stormed Rhodes. He ordered the statue to be destroyed by melting. Once the statue was fully annihilated, he sold the ruins to a Jewish merchant.
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Will Colossus of Rhodes Ever Stand Again?

The idea of rebuilding the Colossus of Rhodes goes back to the 1960s. at the time, the idea of rebuilding it using aluminum was toyed. Then in 2004, there were talks of rebuilding the statue to celebrate the 2004 Olympic Games.
However, nothing came out of these endeavors. In 2008 and 2015 also there was news that the statue that stood 500 meters high would be built. Again, nothing was materialized.
It is unlikely that in today’s modern world, the statue in its original sense will ever be rebuilt. However, we can expect something close to it. Recently, a team of archaeologists, civil engineers, and architects have proposed to build a modern variation of the Colossus of Rhodes.
This version would not have the same dimensions as the original one. However, it will be made in a way that stimulates the same feelings that its predecessor did. What’s interesting is that unlike in the past, this statue will not just stand over the city, it will serve more functions. The modern version will serve as a lighthouse as well as host a library and cultural museum. Only time will tell how far these plans will yield the desired result.
Colossus of Rhodes, A Wonder of the Past

Even though we haven’t seen the victory monument in all its glory, the Colossus of Rhodes continues to inspire us. It is one of those few things that truly represents the magnificent days of the past. Currently, we are unsure of whether we’ll ever see the statue looming above us. However, we can revel in its majesty by learning more about the evidence and the history behind it.