Metatarsals are the long bones in your foot’s front portion. Excessive pressure or stress in them causes pain and inflammation, a condition known as metatarsalgia. The condition characterized by a sharp, aching, or burning pain in the ball of the foot can severely affect your daily activities and disrupt your routine.
It is important to seek appropriate treatment to alleviate the discomfort associated with metatarsalgia. Specific strengthening and stretching metatarsalgia exercises at home are beneficial for pain relief.
In this post, we’ll give you 9 exercises to reduce foot stress and manage metatarsal pain.
Best Metatarsalgia Exercises
1. Big Toe Stretch

Metatarsalgia can be caused by wearing shoes that are narrow or too tight. Stretching the big toe relieves pain due to wearing such footwear.
Here’s how to do the big toe stretch.
- Sit upright on a chair, keeping your feet flat on the ground beneath.
- Lift your right foot and rest it on your left thigh.
- Gently stretch the big toe up, down, and to the side with your fingers.
- Hold the stretch in each position for 5 seconds.
- Do 10 repetitions of this stretch on both legs.
2. Toe Stretch and Flex

Toe stretch and flex reduce tension in the metatarsal area and promote proper foot function. It also enhances flexibility in the toes.
Here’s how to do toe stretch and flex.
- Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the ground.
- Using your fingers gently pull your toes back towards your shin.
- Hold the stretch for 30 seconds and release.
- Repeat the stretch 3 times on each foot.
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3. Raise, Point, and Curl the Toe

Raising the toe, pointing, and then curling it helps build flexibility and mobility in the affected area. Go through each movement properly to get the full pain-relieving benefits of this exercise.
Here’s how to do a toe raise, point, and curl.
- Sit on a chair keeping your feet on the floor.
- Raise the heels till only the balls of your feet are on the ground.
- Pause in this position for 5 seconds and then lower your heels.
- Now, lift the heels and point the toes so only the tips of the second and the big toes are touching the floor.
- Hold this position for 5 seconds and then lift the heels and curl your toes inward. This position should be held for 5 seconds.
- Repeat the entire motion 10 times on each leg.
4. Marble Pickup
Marble pickups build strength in your toe muscles. They also relieve pressure in the front part of the foot and promote optimal foot function.
Here’s how to do a marble pickup.
- Scatter a few beads on the floor.
- Using your toes, pick one bead at a time and place it on a bowl.
- Repeat the same on another foot. Keep doing it for at least 5 minutes.
5. Calf Stretch

Calf stretch is beneficial for people experiencing metatarsal pain because they often also have tight calves. The stretch stretches out all of the structures that lead to the lower part of the foot.
Here’s how to do a calf stretch.
- Sit on a yoga mat and straighten one leg out in front of you.
- Bend one of the knees and place the foot flat on the floor.
- Wrap a towel on the foot with a bent knee and hold the ends of the towel with both hands.
- Pull the towel toward you so you feel a stretch toward the top of your foot.
- Now, relax the hold on the towel and return your foot back to the beginning position.
- You should feel a stretch in your foot, calf, and the back of your leg.
- Repeat the stretch 10 times on both legs.
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6. Active Toe Abduction

Active toe abduction enhances foot strength and mobility. Creating more space between your toes helps with relieving metatarsal pain due to wearing tight-fitting shoes.
Here’s how to do an active toe abduction.
- Sit in a chair with your feet barefoot and resting flat on the floor.
- Try and spread your toes sideways as far apart as possible.
- Focus on trying to keep the toes from touching while holding this position.
- After a few seconds, relax your foot.
- Do at least 5 repetitions on each foot.
7. Tibialis Raises

Tibialis Raises build strength in your foot’s top part and the area in front of the shin. It makes your lower leg and foot, which supports the balls of your feet more resilient.
Here’s how to do a tibial raise.
- Stand upright with your back against a wall.
- Raise the front part of your feet off the floor so you come onto your heels.
- Now, lower your feet back to the floor.
- Do 15 repetitions of tibial raises.
8. Toe Up and Down
Toe up and down is a very simple movement in which you raise and lower your toes. This easy motion improves control over the toe muscles.
Here’s how to do toe up and down.
- Sit on a chair with your feet resting flat on the floor.
- Spread the toes and lift them up and then down.
- Repeat the movement 10 times on each foot.
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9. Walking Barefoot on Sand

Walking barefoot on sand strengthens and stretches the muscles in your calf and feet. Since sand has a soft texture, walking on it isn’t as easy as walking on a flat surface.
Here’s what you can do to do sand walking.
- Find a place with lots of sand. Some examples include a volleyball court and a beach.
- Take out your socks and shoes.
- Walk as far as you can barefoot on the sand.
Summing Up
Metatarsal pain can lower the quality of life, if not managed correctly and timely. Besides seeking treatment, the exercises above will strengthen the muscles in this part of your foot and relieve discomfort. If you find some exercise particularly painful, stop doing it and consult your doctor as soon as possible.