The saying ‘first impression is the last impression’ may not be true in all cases. But as humans, we tend to judge other people unconsciously by how they look. Considering the fact that our appearances, and most notably, our faces play a role in how others perceive us, we always strive to look our best.
One of the universally liked facial features is a strong and well-defined jawline. With age, our jawline muscles begin to shrink and lose its definition. However, certain exercises can help build those muscles, giving your jaw a more defined look.
Top 12 Jawline Excercises
Read to learn about the top exercises for a chiseled and attractive jawline.
1. Neck Crunches

Neck crunches or curl-ups activate your neck muscles that aren’t often used. Start slowly and increase the pace when you feel comfortable.
Here’s how to do it.
- Lie down on a sturdy surface on your back.
- Press your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
- Bring your chin to your chest and raise your forehead about two inches off the ground.
- Now, lower your head down and repeat.
2. Mewing

Mewing works the entire lower part of your face. It also corrects your tongue’s resting position.
Follow these steps to do this exercise.
- Lift your tongue so it touches the roof of your mouth.
- Hold at the top for 15 seconds.
- Repeat the movement about 15-20 times at least thrice a day.
3. Side Kisses

Side exercises work the muscles around your cheeks and the mouth. When regularly done for an extended period of time, it effectively defines your jawline.
Follow these steps to perform this jawline exercise.
- Form a kissing pose by puckering up your lips.
- Pull your lips as far as you can in the right corner of the mouth.
- Remain in this posture for at least three seconds and then relax for a few seconds.
- Do the same thing on the left corner of the mouth.
- Side kisses should be done 30 to 60 times.
4. Collar Bone Backup

Collar bone backup engages the muscles near your collarbone. It indirectly works the muscles supporting your jawline.
Here’s how to do it.
- Keep your head level with the ground.
- Bring your head back a few inches. You should feel the muscles on both sides of your throat contracting and relaxing.
- Perform this exercise 10 times for a total of three sets.
- With time, try to hold the position for more than 30 seconds.
5. Vowel Exercise

This exercise involves sounding the vowels like O and E from your mouth. The movement targets the muscles surrounding the lips.
Follow these steps to perform the exercise.
- Create an ‘O’ sound by opening your mouth.
- Exaggerate the vowel to tighten the muscles around the lips.
- Now, open your mouth to create an ‘E’ sound.
- Repeat ‘O’ and ‘E’ sounds to define the targeted muscles.
6. Tongue Twister

Tongue twister stretches the muscles under your chin. The exercise is easy to perform, but ensure to do it only for the recommended number of times.
Here are the steps to follow.
- Put your tongue on your mouth’s roof.
- Completely close the roof of your mouth by pressing your tongue to add tension.
- Hum and create a vibrating sound to activate the muscles.
- Perform the exercises for a total of 15 times for three sets.
7. Open and Close Your Mouth

This exercise develops your jawlines effectively over a period of time. While doing it, ensure to not squeeze the rest of your face to prevent the formation of wrinkles.
Follow these instructions.
- Open your mouth wide.
- Move your lower jaw up and down for about three minutes.
- The exercise should be done slowly and gently.
- Perform the movement thrice a day.
8. Chin Lifts

Chin lifts strengthen your lips, cheeks, and neck muscles. The exercise reduces the appearance of a double chin.
Perform chin lifts by following these steps.
- In a seated or standing position, bring your chin out.
- See up toward the ceiling so your lower lip is in its direction.
- Act like you are kissing the ceiling.
- Hold the posture for 5 seconds and then relax.
9. Clenches and Releases

This is a simple jaw exercise that you can do anywhere. Sometimes, you may experience a slight discomfort during the movement, which is perfectly normal. However, the discomfort shouldn’t be too unbearable.
Here’s how to do it.
- Grind or clench your jaw for ten seconds and then release.
- Do this exercise 15 times for three sets.
- Over time, increase the time in the posture as well as the number of reps.
10. Chin Slide

Chin slide works the muscles under the chin. So, it reduces the appearance of a chubby chin.
Follow these steps to perform the exercise.
- Put your palm under your chin.
- Now pull your bottom jaw as far as you can, keeping your mouth shut.
- Move your hand along your double chin, side of the face, and jawline, applying the pressure of your pal.
- Perform chin slides 10 times, five on each side.
11. Resistance Exercise

Resistance exercises can be performed in a seated or standing position. This exercise strengthens your jaw muscles.
Here’s how to do it.
- Sit on a sturdy surface. Rest your elbows on a desk.
- Make a fist. Not, put it beneath your jaw
- Make a fist while standing and place it under your chin.
- Open your mouth as you put resistance through your fist for 5 seconds. Then relax.
- Repeat the exercise for 10 times.
12. Platysma Stretches

Platysma stretches put pressure on your jaw’s big muscles. They target the muscles up to the shoulder.
Here are the steps to perform platysma stretches.
- Sit upright and press your lips between your teeth.
- Open your mouth slowly and pull your lips tightly in the downward position.
- Move your jaw up and down slightly.
- Repeat this movement 10 times for a total of 5 sets.
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Wrapping Up
Jawline exercises can be effective when performed consistently for a few months. You must also ensure to eat a healthy diet to gain the full effect of these exercises. However, if some exercise feels too painful, it’s better to stop and do another one. You can also seek your doctor’s consultation about choosing the right exercises to define your jawline.