Home / Leadership / Top Strategies Followed by Hybrid Managers to Eliminate Bias in the Hiring Process and Manage Team Transitions

Many businesses are turning to hybrid teams to increase their workforce and boost productivity. A hybrid team comprises people who work remotely or in an office, which can benefit companies with employees in different time zones or remote locations. This article will discuss how to manage these transitions with your team while eliminating bias from the hiring process and managing difficult conversations about performance reviews.

Hybrid Team

Manager Should Maintain the Company Culture

To start, it’s important to remember that as the team leader or manager of a remote hybrid team, you are responsible for maintaining company culture. Your responsibility is to create and enforce policies that help everyone feel included in the company, no matter where they work – be it an office or their home. Ensure all communication channels within a project have clear expectations and boundaries, so there is little misunderstanding about each person’s role. This can make for better collaboration among team members who may not regularly see one another. 

Hire Skilled Team Member

Next, focus on hiring people with skillsets that fit office environments and co-working spaces. A recent study found that more than 70% of employees are now working remotely at least part-time, and this number is expected to grow in coming years. Recruiters should be mindful of a candidate’s capabilities when using new tools for collaboration, such as video conferencing or VoIP technologies like Skype.

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Use Assessments for Efficient Hiring Process

To maintain an efficient hiring process, recruiters can use assessments that help identify biases by testing skills related to remote work instead of just looking at candidates’ resumes – which doesn’t always show their true expertise anyway. Some of the other best practices are:

  • First off, use a diverse interview panel with different backgrounds to ensure biases don’t play out when evaluating candidates. 
  • Second, provide feedback for all applicants after interviews or assessments have been completed (even if it’s not positive).
  • Thirdly, invest time upfront by building rapport with potential employees before making any job offers.
  •  Lastly, recognize your own biases and work hard to overcome them throughout the recruiting process. 

Employing these strategies will lead to hiring better employees who will feel valued in your company culture because they have been appropriately vetted through diverse selection processes and with consideration given not only for personality but also specific skill sets needed for success on any team. 

Hybrid Team

Challenging Conversations about Performance Reviews

Finally, the best hybrid team managers are good at managing challenging conversations about performance reviews. When employees work remotely, it can be hard to give them feedback as they won’t always have a manager nearby in case of an emergency or need for guidance. A recent study found that 79% of employees who worked from home had not received any feedback on their performance over the past year. Nearly 50% didn’t know if there were standards for measuring success when working outside an office environment. It will be up to you to set clear expectations with your remote staff members so that everyone knows what is expected before problems arise.


The power of the human brain is fantastic, and it can be used to help you hire well-qualified talent and manage team transitions with ease. Your employees will love working for a company with leaders committed to fairness, equity, and inclusion in their hiring process.