Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Wegovy

Wegovy is a weight loss medication by Novo Nordisk. The injectable medicine is recommended along with a reduced caloric intake for overweight or obese patients. It helps them effectively lose weight and sustain their weight loss.

However, even while on this medication, many patients struggle to lose weight. This can be very demoralizing, especially after taking Wegovy for a while. There are various reasons why weight loss may not happen.

Keep reading below to find out more about them.

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Why is Wegovy not Working for You?

Wegovy triggers quick weight loss in some people while others experience none at all. Although it’s difficult to pinpoint specific reasons, weight loss professionals have noticed similar patterns in patients who don’t lose weight. These are explained below:

1. An Underlying Medical Condition

An Underlying Medical Condition

People with underlying medical conditions are less likely to lose weight on Wegovy. It has been found that those with diabetes or those who are on certain medications find it difficult to lose their extra pounds. People with more than one health issue have even fewer chances of losing weight.

On the same line, patients who are already on certain medications find it hard to lose weight on Wegovy. Medications like anti-depressants, steroids, and blood pressure medications can cause you to gain weight. It thus neutralizes the effect of Wegovy.

2. You Are Not Eating in a Calorie Deficit

One of the major ways in which Wegovy triggers weight loss is by reducing your appetite. However, it does not mean that you can stop dieting altogether. It is never wise to stop tracking calories. This is a common mistake that patients on Wegovy make.

To maximize weight loss, it is important to consume a low-calorie diet. Choosing nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, within a 1200-calorie per day framework will help you. Through this approach, you will effectively lose weight.

3. You Aren’t Getting Enough Sleep

You Aren't Getting Enough Sleep

It’s important to get a good quantity and quality of sleep every night. As an adult on Wegovy, you must aim for at least seven or more hours of sleep every day. If you regularly get inadequate sleep, you will experience deprivation.

A poor quality of sleep every night negatively impacts your metabolism. It causes you to feel hungrier than usual, and you are likely to snack on unhealthy food items.

Remember to take time to wind down before bed and stop exposure to screens. If you face a hard time falling asleep, talk to your healthcare provider about the changes you can make.

4. You Need More Time

Wegovy takes time to work. On average, weight loss occurs after four weeks of taking the semaglutide. However, for many people, it can take a lot longer to notice a visible change.

In several studies, people on Wegovy experience stable weight loss over 68 weeks. Many people don’t see noticeable weight loss until after 20 weeks. So, it might be that you need more time on the medication to get results.

You must be patient during this time. For the best results, consume a low-calorie diet and increase your physical activity.

5. You Are Chronically Stressed

Being stressed for a short duration is fine. But if you are stressed for extended periods, it will only harm your health. At this time, your body releases the cortisol hormone.

Increased levels of the hormone causes the body to store fat around the abdomen. It also increases hunger, causing you to experience cravings for fatty or sugary foods. This makes weight loss very difficult.

When you are stressed, it’s also hard to stick to an exercise routine, which again, increases the chances of not losing weight. If you find yourself chronically stressed, consult your healthcare provider. You can also try practicing stress reduction activities like meditation and deep breathing.

6. You Are Not Getting Enough Exercise

You Are Not Getting Enough Exercise

Wegovy works effectively on those who exercise regularly. Aerobic exercises like swimming, brisk walking, jogging, and cycling boost your weight loss efforts on Wegovy. A lack of physical activity slows the results because exercise helps burn calories that are otherwise stored as fat.

Strength training is particularly effective for enhancing weight loss on the medication. For the best results, incorporate both strength training and aerobic exercises. If you find it difficult to incorporate any type of exercise or dedicated workouts, just find ways to move more throughout your day.

7. You Are Not Taking Adequate Dosage of Wegovy

Wegovy’s dosage is directly proportional to the weight you lose. A higher dose causes you to lose more weight, while a lower dose will not be as effective.

The maximum dosage is 2.4 mg weekly. If you’re taking less than this amount, it might be the reason why the weight is not coming off.

However, if even the highest dose doesn’t work, combining Wegovy with another GLP-1 medication might be the solution. You can try combining it with Liraglutide or Tirzetatide.

At the same time, it’s important to stick to a regular dosage schedule. Remember that Wegovy stimulates a hormone that regulates your appetite. It makes you feel full sooner with less food. But if you take the medication inconsistently, your appetite won’t be regulated. Thus, you will find it difficult to lose weight.

8. You’ve Hit a Weight-Loss Plateau

Drugs like Wgovy eventually reach a weight loss plateau. Beyond this, it becomes difficult to lose weight unless you make meaningful changes. Most people tend to hit a plateau after a year of taking Wegovy.

The best way to overcome it is to alter the energy balance. Here, you have two options. You can either increase your physical activity or decrease your food intake. Alternatively, switch to another GLP-1 medication. It can stimulate your body to begin losing weight again. However, if you have already reached a healthy weight, you don’t need to do anything else than keep track of your diet and exercise.

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Summing Up

There are various reasons for not losing weight on Wegovy. The ones above are the most common. A knowledge of them will help you look into your own weight loss journey with Wegovy and make necessary changes, wherever needed. Thus, you’ll be able to get the most out of the medication. 

About Author
John Doe

John Doe is a freelance writer who covers a variety of topics, including lifestyle, business, technology, fashion, and personal improvement. He was born in the United Kingdom and grew up in the United States. For over a decade now, John has worked as a freelance writer. He has visited more than 50 countries and enjoys sharing his experiences with others. His ideas and material are popular among his followers.

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