Many women desire strong, toned arms that they can flaunt in tank tops or sleeveless dresses. Well-defined arms are also good for your bones and metabolism. However, a common myth is that arm workouts for women, especially those involving weights, lead to a bulky upper body.
On the contrary, arm exercises, whether without or with weights, build strength and create a beautiful definition. They also boost your overall health and fitness level. Just start adding the following exercises into your routine, and the results will surprise you.
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Best Workouts for Women to Get Toned Arms
1. Bicep Curl

The bicep curl is a classic move and is always featured as one of the top arm workouts for women. It targets the upper and lower arms perfectly. In addition, the exercise also enhances posture and reduces the strain on your neck and shoulders.
How to Do?
- Stand with feet hip-width apart.
- Grab a pair of dumbbells.
- Keep your palms facing forward and have an erect posture.
- Now, bend your elbows until the weights are up toward your shoulders.
- Lower the weights back to the starting point. Your movement should be slow and controlled.
2. Tricep Dips

Tricep dips are doable with or without weights. This exercise sculpts the tricep muscles or the back part of your arm, which is often a challenging area for women. Moreover, by training your triceps, you also improve your chest and shoulder strength.
How to Do?
- Sit on the edge of the stool or a chair. Your hands should be by your sides.
- Now, lift up your hips. Ensure that your back is straight.
- Lower yourself down until your elbows create 90-degree angles.
- Push back up. This completes one rep.
3. Triceps Kickback

Triceps kickbacks are another one of the best arm workouts for women to build functional strength. If you are serious about toning your triceps and enhancing flexibility in your shoulders, ensure to have this move in your routine.
How to Do?
- Keep your feet hip-width apart.
- Hold a dumbbell in each hand.
- Now, hinge a bit at the waist without arching your back.
- Your upper arms should be close to your body.
- Bend the elbows at a 90-degree angle.
- Extend the lower arms back and then return them to the starting position.
4. Lateral Raises

Nothing rivals lateral raises to tone and strengthen upper shoulders. Experts recommend this exercise in all types of arm workouts for women, so you shouldn’t miss it as well. They’ll give you well-defined shoulders and an impressive posture.
How to Do?
- Stand with feet hip-distance apart or sit on a bench.
- Grab a dumbbell and hold one in each hand.
- Your arms should have a slight bend.
- Keep your back straight and lift the dumbbells on your sides.
- Keep lifting the weights until your arms are parallel to the floor.
- Now, lower the weights back to the initial position, completing one rep.
5. Push-ups

The push-up is a classic yet often ignored exercise. It is integral to every arm workout for women but is skipped quite frequently. This exercise builds muscle throughout your upper body and improves posture. It also builds bone density, preventing you from developing osteoporosis at a later age.
How to Do?
- Get into a plank position with hands under your shoulders and core tight.
- Lower your torso to the ground. Your elbows should be behind you and not out wide.
- Once the chest touches the ground, return to a plank position.
- You can do this exercise with your knees touching the floor.
6. Plank Up Down

Plank up down is a great exercise to tighten not only the arms but also the midsection. It’s both a strength and cardio exercise that burns calories and tones your body at the same time.
How to Do?
- Get into a plank position just like you would in a push-up.
- Lower your right and left elbow to the floor to form a forearm plank.
- Place your right hand on the floor directly under the right shoulder. Do the same on the left side.
- Now, return to a straight-arm plank.
- Keep alternating your arms to lower down for every new rep.
7. Overhead Triceps Extension

Overhead triceps extension is an incredible move to define your arms and build stability. It targets the long head of the triceps and your midsection. You can reap benefits from this move even if you do it with a lighter weight.
How to Do?
- Hold dumbbells in your hands.
- Raise your hands overhead and keep your arms straight.
- Your biceps should be by your ears.
- Lower dumbbells slowly behind your head.
- Wait for a second and press back the weights up, straightening your arms.
8. Bent-Over Row

Bent-over row defines your shoulders and back muscles. It is a great exercise that should be a part of women’s workout regime because of its ability to target multiple muscles. This move also improves your posture and makes your body ready for advanced exercises.
How to Do?
- Grab two weights and stand with feet hip distance apart.
- Slightly hinge forward, keeping your back straight. Your back should be almost parallel to the floor.
- Pull the dumbbells towards your chest and squeeze the shoulder blades slightly.
- Lastly, the weights should be lowered, and both arms should be extended in a controlled motion.
9. Plank

Plank is the perfect exercise to put in arm workouts for women. It tones your upper body and core and can be done anywhere without any dumbbells.
How to Do?
- Come in a push-up position.
- Keep your elbows down on the floor.
- Keep your back straight.
- Stay in this position for around 30 seconds to a minute.
10. Upright Rows

Strengthen your upper body and tone your shoulders with upright rows. It’s a challenging exercise, but you are totally worth the effort. When done correctly and consistently, they give amazing definition to the arms.
How to Do?
- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Hold a barbell or a dumbbell with an overhand grip.
- Pull the weight up through your elbows.
- Pause when your elbows are at your shoulder level and the weight at your chest level.
- Now, return to the starting position.
11. Plank Shoulder Taps

When working out, your major aim besides toning should also be strengthened. One of the top arm workout exercises for women is plank shoulder taps. It strengthens your lower back and boosts your posture.
How to Do?
- Position yourself in a high plank. Your hands should be flat on the floor and be shoulder-width apart.
- Stack your wrists under your shoulders.
- Tap your right hand to the left shoulder and the left to the right shoulder.
- Keep your hips stable throughout.
12. Overhead Press

Overhead press, be it with dumbbells or a barbell, is an excellent exercise that women should do. It enhances your shoulder strength, mobility, and stability. You can start with lighter weights and then slowly increase them.
How to Do?
- Stand or sit with your core engaged. If you are sitting, ensure that your back contacts the bench or chair.
- Hold dumbbells and bend your arms with your palms facing inward.
- Press the weight up towards the ceiling till your arms are straight and your elbows don’t lock.
- Now, lower the weights. This is a single rep.
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13. Dumbbell Pullover

If you want to work your arms in a way that strengthens and builds your back and chest, keep a dumbbell pullover in your routine. This move makes for a valuable addition to any upper body routine targeting the shoulder, back, and chest.
How to Do?
- Keep yourself across a weight bench. Ensure that only your upper back and shoulders contact the bench.
- Your hips should be lower than the bench, and your feet should be flat on the floor.
- Hold one dumbbell and lift up your arms over your chest, keeping a slight bend in your elbows.
- Lower the dumbbell behind your head slowly.
- After lowering, bring the dumbbell back up.
14. Bicep Hold

Bicep hold, also called isometric bicep hold, develops the foundation of strength in your arms. The more you do them, the better you will be able to sustain advanced exercises and see noticeable improvements in your arm definition.
How to Do?
- Hold a pair of dumbbells at your side. Your palms should be facing forward.
- Do not move your upper arms as you bend your elbows and curl the weights.
- Curl the dumbbells until they are at a 90-degree angle.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds and lower the weights afterward.
15. Chest Press

Chest press is an excellent compound exercise that targets the front of your upper body. It tones your arms while building strength in your shoulders and chest. This is why it is an important part of all arm workouts for women.
How to Do?
- Lie on your bench with your face up.
- Grab weights and keep your hands slightly wider than your shoulder width.
- Press your feet into the ground and your hips into the bench while lifting the dumbbells or barbells.
- Lower the dumbbells to your chest and let your elbows bend to the side.
- Stop the motion when your elbows are just below the bench.
- Press the weight above.
16. Ball Slams

Medicine ball slam is a power movement. It tones your arms and gives you a great cardio workout. So, you are burning calories and reducing the extra fat from your arm.
How to Do?
- Stand straight and keep your feet hip-width apart.
- Hold a medicine ball at your chest.
- As you lift the ball, bend your knees slightly.
- Through the ball down with a lot of force.
- Catch the ball when it comes up and take it over your head.
- Throw the ball again to start another repetition.
17. Lateral to Front Raise

Lateral to-front raises become a necessary addition when you want to improve the overall look of your arms and shoulders. In addition, it enhances your shoulder mobility and stability. So, making this move a part of every upper body workout is crucial.
How to Do?
- Stand straight with dumbbells in your hands.
- Slightly bend your knees as you lift the dumbbells laterally.
- Lift the weights until they’re shoulder height.
- Now, bring the weights back to the starting position.
- This time, raise them in front of you.
18. Plank To Push Up

Plank to push-up is a simple exercise but hits a variety of muscle groups. From your arms, shoulders, and core to even glutes, it certainly packs a punch. It can be a part of your warmup or actual workout.
How to Do?
- Position yourself in a plank.
- Keep your shoulders above your elbows and set yourself in a straight line.
- Lower into a push-up position.
- Return to a plank position.
- Either go up and down on the same arm and switch or alternate each time.
19. Skull Crusher

Want to tone and strengthen your arm muscles at the same time? Skull crushers should be your go-to move. This exercise targets the lateral, medial, and long head of your triceps, thus enhancing the look of your arms.
How to Do?
- Sit on a bench and keep two dumbbells on your thighs.
- Now, slowly lie back on the bench. Extend your arms out above you as you do so
- Your feet should be firmly planted on the ground, and your elbows shouldn’t lock out.
- Lower your dumbbells’ heads toward your ears.
- When the weights are at your ear level, wait for a second and extend your arms into the initial position.
20. Air Punches

Air punches, also known as shadow boxing, tighten your arm muscles while relieving your stress. This is a unique exercise that builds muscle definition in your biceps, triceps, and shoulders. You don’t even need any equipment to do it.
How to Do?
- Stand in a staggered stance, with one foot slightly in front of the other.
- Keep your elbows bent and hold your fists up to around chin height.
- Punch your front fist straight before you pull back and throw the back fist.
- Alternate hands and make your punches quick and forceful.
Now, you are all set for a great training session. Arm workouts for women needn’t be boring when you have so many exercises to choose from. However, remember to perform the exercise according to the proper steps without rushing. Otherwise, you will increase your chances of getting injured, especially if the move involves weights.