Home / Business / 40 Ideas About Simple Drawing for Fun and Creativity

Something about drawing seems to unleash the creative side in all of us. It can be a fun and relaxing way to spend an afternoon, or it can be used as a tool for coming up with new ideas. A simple drawing is a great way to spend time, whether by yourself or with others. It is also a fantastic way to relieve boredom or stress. If you are looking for something fun and creative to do, consider giving drawing a try!

40 Ideas About Simple Drawing for Fun and Creativity

These 40 ideas should help get your creative juices flowing.

  1. Draw a character from your favorite book
  2. Draw a scene from nature
  3. Draw something that makes you happy
  4. Draw a self-portrait
  5. Draw your favorite animal
  6. Draw a still-life composition
  7. Draw something that is challenging for you
  8. Practice drawing different facial expressions
  9. Create a comic strip
  10. Brainstorm ideas for a new project by doodling
  11. Draw inspiration from other artists
  12. Experiment with different mediums
  13. Take a drawing class
  14. Join or start a sketch club
  15. Visit an art museum and draw what you see
  16. Go on a field trip and draw what you find Interesting
  17. Make up your own rules for a game of chance simple drawing
  18. Have someone else choose the subject of your next drawing project
  19. Try to recreate a work by your favorite artist
  20. Use found objects as inspiration for drawings
  21. Repurpose old drawings by adding color or pattern
  22. Draw a portrait of someone you know
  23. Draw someone you can’t tell from a photograph
  24. Illustrate a favorite quote
  25. Create a series of small sketches on one theme
  26. Make a drawing using only straight lines
  27. Make a drawing using only curved lines
  28. Try blind contour drawing
  29. Use continuous line drawings to tell a story
  30. Experiment with different kinds of mark-making
  31. Take turns with somebody else to complete a drawing
  32. Cut out images from a magazine and combine them by drawing
  33. Practice perspective drawings by looking at buildings or other objects in your environment
  34. Draw an object in detail, then draw it again from a different angle
  35. Create a trompe l’oeil painting or drawing
  36. Brainstorm ideas for a new project by doodling
  37. Experiment with different mediums
  38. Take a drawing class
  39. Join or start a sketch club
  40. Visit an art museum and draw what you see. Try to recreate a work by your favorite artist.

Happy drawing!

Casting is selecting actors or actresses for a role in a movie, TV show, commercial, or other production. Casting directors usually look through headshots and resumes to find the right person.

What are some of your favorite things to draw? Do you prefer simple drawings or complex drawings? Let us know in the comments below!